Saturday, 19 January 2013


Just before Christmas I managed to get hold of a pentax Q for a good price. This isn’t to replace my “big” Pentax K5 but to use along side. Its a dinky little thing and feels great to handle. The day it arrived I was at work and became really giddy when I got home only to find I couldn't take it to work the next day to have a play in my break because the lens which was arriving separately hadn’t arrived. It was waiting at home when I got in. I had a trip over to see my twin grand daughters and tried a couple of shots of them were ok but not good. Took it out that evening to the works end of term meal and again didn't do a great job. For a brief time I thought perhaps I had wasted my money and would get anything good. Hadn’t chance untill this week to give it another go. This time I’d had chance to check the controls out.

Had to go down into town so just went armed with the Q

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Through the Churchyard and then the Market


and on to the river.

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After that I had to take my car for a tyre and had a 20 min wait so took the Q up near the old A1 a lot of frost around.

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All in all I’m begining to like the Q and looking forward to playing some more.

Link to all images.

1 comment:

  1. Really nice set of pictures Annie. I guess you really like Pentax as yiou have been do so well using the K5 and now this Q. Think you are now going back to concentrating on teh shot and not waorrying about the camera. Well done on these.
