Had to get in a few hours earlier but I don't mind once in a while.
Do what was this big occassion?
It was the anual house trip to the panto.
The magic of the panto never fails to get to me. I boo and hiss with the best of them ( oh yes I do) . The jokes still raise a laugh even though they are the same old jokes every year. This year it was Alladin. Scenery incredible transporting the audience to a far off land. This year there were a few packs of brownies and other small kids there. Their excitment was catching. The students seemed to have a good time too. We had attempted to arrive for performance early as there was a tour organised first. But dispite ordering taxis days ago we were some how late for the tour . I was supporting 2 students 1 a wheelchair user and the taxi that arrived wasn't the wheelchair one we needed so took some time to transfer the student in then out of taxi. By the time we got into the theatre the tour was done. We were then very early lol but at least we were settled.

Then the fun began unfortunatly wasn't supposed to take pics so that's one off my program.

The manager telling us we weren't allowed photos heehee

The interval
A good time was had by all !
Oh no he's not - oh no you don't and you bad person taking pictures. Glad you enjoyed yourself - good blog there Annie.