So far I have been walking more but as far as any effect in calory intake goes it's been a bit of a waste of time.
The walking itself has been quite enjoyable having found s free podcast novel I have been plugging myself in and enjoyed the walk even in the snow I have enjoyed it.
A couple of times I have walked the 20 mins into town to get some shopping. The first time I did this I did ok got the few bits I needed and walked back home. Then then a couple of days later I set of again braving the icy footpaths and listening to my podcast. Every thing was going great till I arrived at the supermarket and couldn't find my purse . I did find enough loose change so I could still get some bread and milk so at least wasn't all in vain. The other thing I realised that my occasional trip in the car to the pub been replaced by a walk wasn't having much benifit either instead of just a couple of halves I was having 2 or 3 pints so calorie intake still exceding output. Hay hum.
I did manage to take a few pics on my walk but I will post in my next blog as I'm on my phone at the moment and pics on lappy.
Was glad this morning to Finnish work for a few days the snow was nice to go take pics of but novelty wears off when yer have to travel in it all though it has improved here .

Car park this morning much better

Not too much more snow over night

All though wasn't to impressed with icicles lol
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
Err perhaps you should blank out the car reg Annie. I know the feeling about calorie intake - but the beer thing is easy to avoid - just drink diet coke :) - lot less calories and you wake up with no hangover :)