Wednesday, 28 July 2010

Tales of the riverbank…..

I have not had much time to start another project apart from the on going ones which involve film and will take a while to get developed. So yesterday I decided to go down to the river initially thought might be a good subject for my pinhole camera. While I was there decided I’d take some shots with my “proper” camera.

These landscape photos with smooth running water always look effective even though they are common place now. So having looked at the photo I took yesterday I thought perhaps that might just lift a mundane photo. Had a couple of attempts there and then but couldn’t get the shutter speed down. People who know me know how bad I am at the technical numbery stuff. Just couldn't get my head around it. So went home and had a read.


To cut along story short I went back again today armed with a bit more knowledge.


In the past I have tried to take a photo of fish statue as well but never got one so tried that too was about to change view point slightly but the heavens opened so I packed up. This is the result I will try again I’m sure there's a photo there somewhere.


Saturday, 3 July 2010

Photo Project 1

After wandering photographically through virtual stagnant porridge I came across a book called  “50 photo projects” by Lee Frost and it made me look at things differently. The projects varied a lot and some of the ideas I had seen before but had never got around to doing, things like just going out and looking for subjects of a set colour or looking for patterns. Others involved some financial layout such as investing in one of the many toy cameras out there or digging out your old film cameras. I also had a look through Chase Jarvis’s book “The Best Camera is the one that's with you” . Taking the two together I decided to use just my Iphone  and any software I can use on it and spend a week using nothing but that phone. I had originally decided to post from phone too, but I upgraded OS and things have slightly changed to poo so using lappy instead . Anyway here are the images I took.


This was this sky that gave me idea just to use phone.


A pleasant evening at the pub perhaps.



A gate on my way into town .This is a place I had some ideas for an image. I will be back with “proper” camera to take some shots for that image. Watch this space.

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Abstract images top is my PC mouse and moving camera

bottom one is taking shot of pavement as I walked.


The now peaceful ginger monster who had just spent the morning killing my bare feet. An attempt at colour popping using phone software.


View from window at work. Very grainy and pixely but I done care I quite like.


A moth and a flannel in a measuring jug!!

What's that all about then?

Answers on a Postcard.







I can be cute as well


I learnt a bit from these exercise its fun to just go out and shoot.  Phone photos can be fun although I need practise to free my mind from convention then i may get some thing more worth while. 

Now what shall the 2nd project be?