Friday, 7 September 2012

Route 66

This morning(weds) the weather was good so the bike came out again. Having got a GPS app for my iPhone which records where you ride too and how far you have gone. So I set this going and set of into town. Wandered around there a bit paid some bills and stuff and then set of to ride up the old railway track to Thorp Arch retail park.

The route itself isn’t the most interesting path but it as a pleasant run. Sets off from Freemans way and then under the A1 towards the race course.IMGP3843 

Then carries on with trees on either side with the occasional field.


Old railway bridges



before finishing at the Thorp Arch retail park. This is only a section of this cycle route 66. Will have to look into trying some more of it. But for now I was feeling chuffed that I had managed to ride 6.7 miles according to my phone app.

1 comment:

  1. Well done Annie, really pleased for you. Really pleased you have restarted your blog
